Member-only story
“ unfinished “
With cup in hand I set and began to sip and think,
I heard shh coming from the inner recesses of my mind.
“ Be quiet and listen “ were the words I heard first
“ for I have much to say “
” for I have been silent far longer than I should have been “
“ long ago when the stars were young “
“ we were forbidden to be love “
“ we ran away “
“ they found us “
“ you were banished “
“ to this little oasis on the fringes of a galaxy “
” the images you forever see are me “
“ now paint me as you remember me “
“ draw upon all of the words you have ever written “
“ it is there you will find me “
So I began with her hair,
“ when the trees first sang in envy to the colors of her hair”
“ I was able to turn the trees of Autumn jealous with colors
in your hair”
“ and I drew upon the color of the hills as the Sun slowly
sets come October “
“ I made the Sun erupt in envy, as it heard of the way
the light dances upon your hair. ”
“ for her eyes I first looked to the Sea “
“ and then the Sky and every flower I could find “
“ I returned to the sea as I remember that shade of blue “
“ that comes from the endless depths of the Sea “
“ for her lips I chose a shade from a sunrise that will
only comes in late September “
“ I blended a rouse for her cheeks to match the mist one
will find on a Winter morning a rare shade you will
sometimes see in a rose. “
“She told me that I had made Universe fume when I drew
her with contours for that caused Moon to linger, never